Cleanstone, the project website is online

From today the new website is online and is the place to look for all information regarding the project. Thanks to its graphic format, devised to make browsing simple and intuitive for the user, the site is a tool that makes communicating all activity related to the Cleanstone project quick and efficient.

On the website all the institutional communications, partner profiles, details of activities carried out and of planned events, a news area, a press area and a press review can be found. The project is located in the cross-border area between Italy and Austria, meaning the content on the website will be in three languages: English, the international language, Italian, the language of the project’s Italian partners, and German, the language of the project’s Austrian partners.

  • In the News area, which is constantly updated, there will be space for the latest news from the project’s partners, complete with photos and videos.
  • The Press Area contains press releases and details of media appearances, contact details for use by members of the press, as well as photos and videos available for use by journalists.
  • In the Press Review section there is a collection of press clippings regarding the project, listed by headline, date and name of the publication.

Articolo pubblicato il 1 September 2020

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